
So yesterday,friends and I went to the most popular place among the TEENAGERS,i mean that kind of %^&# kids,what else?its PAVI! You know, we dont have any other place to go, yelah masing2 semua mana ada lesen kereta lagi nak kesana ke mari kan *im gonna take JPJ test next week!* you know,pavi is awesome but when there were a teenagers all around there,so pavi is kinda look like tempat2 diorg melepak, so whoever yg suka duduk depan entrance tayang muka, you can be one of 'em.Okay,back to MY hangout story.haha

So yeah, it was fun lah sebab dah lama tak melepak dengan my friends especially Nadya and Nana.Sangat jarang okay untuk melepak bersama mereka.So this school holiday we filled up with going out together and having a lots of fun,are we? Tapi cuma rasa bosan, it just like takde tempat lain, you know, kalau kata nak klua, WE'VE GOT NO CHOICE! it must be pavi! I DONT KNOW WHY! -,- Jusco is better! hahahhahaha cause of what? CAUSE there is no teenagers melepak depan entrance and showing your tut and tat and tit and tot and bla3.Im sick of this. SO layan je lah gambar nye haaaaaa haha

And yeah, dapat jumpa my akak angkat! I miss her so much! Jumpa dia di KLCC, and yeah dapat jugak makan spaghetti bolognes,yummy!! =D My favourite food for all the time.wakaka.Then lepas jumpa sys nedy, fikir nak lepak lah sampai kul 12 malam or nak overnight ke kan,tapi memandang kan hari hujan,ktorg tak boleh nak gerak ke mana-mana. nak lepak taman tak boleh, nak pergi ke NZ pon tak boleh -,- so TERPAKSA lah balik. haih. kul 10 sampai rumah *itu agak awal bagi saya =) . hahaha So yeah,tak sabar nak dapat lesen ni, mintak-mintak lah lulus, amin amin =)