Hello April !

Today is 1st April.Assalammualaikum semua =) okay so harini dh masuk bulan 4.Which is saya kene bersiap sedia untuk pelbagai benda yang akan dilakukan pada bulan 4 ini.Tapi sebelum apa2.we need to face all things and problem with smile. You know, when you have a problem, just smile,when you feel hurt,just smile and when you feel lonely,just smile.Smile is the best medicine.Because its effect to our heart.So kalau korang ade bende2 yg tk puas hati and marah or sedih, senyum la sorang2. *mcm org gila pon ade, so jgn la senyum depan2 org.hahahaha*

So bulan ini adalah bulan yang penting sebab bola jaring untuk wakil sekolah akan diadakan pada 19 April which is MY BIRTHDAY! okay sungguh menakutkan. But itu adalah hari yang sangat penting. Mintak2 la boleh menang pada hari yang istimewa ni. hehehehe Amin =)

Dan bulan april ni pon banyak outing, bnyk hal kene uruskan. And also my cousin yang baru dilahirkan pada Januari lepas, buat cukur jambul pada April ini jugak. So yeah, kene siap sedia la kan ? =)

So I hope you guys enjoy your life. Think positive,be positive. Assalammualaikum.

Hana Tajima

She's adorable isnt? Her style, the way she wearing hijab really inspiring.I love her.You know,I wish oneday I could meet her.Oh yeah,I watched the video when she was organizing The Maysaa Tea Party.Memang best.Oh I wish I was there.haha Okay thats all. I love her <3

Hey hoo


So, some of you guys skrg dh tahu i am now wearing a hijab.Amin.. =) Im glad Allah gave me an opportunity to change my life to be a better person.I started to wear hijab was on 25 Mac 2011.So my life getting more wonderful now.Alhamdulillah.

I know, most of you guys still mcm percaya tak percaya je im changed now.So here it is, im totally changed.I mean, full time im wearing hijab. But still friends,im still gila2 as you guys know me before.Im still fify.

First time I saw my friends saw me wearing hijab, diorg punya muka serious pelik.haha I know its kinda like pelik secara tiba-tiba saya berubah kan. Tapi, mungkin ini adalah salah satu doa Abah ketika dia menunaikan haji tahun lepas? Siapa yang tahu ? =)

Okay so this is my official blogspot.For those who followed me on my old blog, do follow this blog too.This is my new blog and I really dont care about my old blog now haha. SO you can start unfollow my old blog and follow this blog. Ngee.Thanks.Assalammualaikum.